Hoof and Sole Hardener

Hoof and Sole Hardener

Aktiv Equine Hoof and Sole Hardener, is sprayed onto the horse’s hoof to prevent bruising, and to harden soft and sensitive soles.  It is also ideal as a thrush treatment. When sprayed, a foam develops on the hoof, preventing the handler from inhaling the formula and also minimises the chances of the formula making contact with the skin.


  • Treatment for soft/sensitive soles – Apply to the horse’s soles twice a day for 4 days.
  • Treatment for Thrush (done by farrier) – Spray formula into opened/infected area and push a piece of cottonwool in. This will fall out when dry.
  • Horses prone to sensitive feet – Apply to the horse’s soles once a day.

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Product Information


120ml Aerosol

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